Rick Charles

From Covid To Communism

Chronicling the Global Assault on Our Freedom and What to Do About It. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1387513397
EAN 9781387513390
Veröffentlicht November 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Lulu.com

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Today in our country, we are witnessing a rapid metamorphosis away from what was traditionally a civil society based on our Constitution and the rule of law and the primacy of the individual in American life to something quite different. Objective political truth is becoming a rarer commodity as the increasingly powerful and disconnected societal elites attempt to control us by deception and distortion.
Our government united with various Marxist global factions is metastasizing right before our eyes as the greatest enemy of the American people and a killer state. The offending parties are collectively referred to as the Globalists, the Establishment, and/or the Administrative/Deep State. In other words, the government together with these parties have evolved to be our greatest enemy by leveraging various aspects of recently mandated Covid-19 responses along with other far left and highly radical political and economic policies as weapons to be used against the people.

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