Beth O'Leary

The Wake-Up Call

The addictive enemies-to-lovers romcom from the author of THE FLATSHARE. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1529418275
EAN 9781529418279
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Quercus
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
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'Beth O'Leary is that rare, one-in-a-million talent who can make you laugh, swoon, cry and ache all in the same book' Emily Henry
This eBook Edition has Exclusive Extra Content
They'll do anything to save the hotel, except work together . . .
Welcome to Forest Manor Hotel, where the staff and guests are one happy family. Except for Izzy and Lucas - bitter rivals banned from working the same shift, for everyone's sake.
After struggling for years, the hotel may soon have to close its doors forever. But when Izzy returns a guest's lost wedding ring, the reward convinces management this might fix everything. With four rings still sitting in lost property, Izzy and Lucas are forced to work together to try to save the day.
But as their rivalry becomes something much more complicated, Izzy and Lucas start to wonder if there's more at stake here than the hotel's future . . .
'Heart-warming, touching, sharp and sexy' Lia Louis
'Gorgeous, evocative' Carley Fortune
'Packed full of warmth and chemistry' Paige Toon
'This is not just a great rom com, this is a Beth O'Leary rom com' Gillian McAllister
'Utter perfection' Cressida McLaughlin
'An utterly delicious read' Louise O'Neill
'A magical combination of beautiful, heartwarming love story with simmering sexual tension' Lindsey Kelk


Beth O'Leary

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