A. F. Harrold

Pocket Book of Pocket Poems

Fun-filled poetry to carry with you everywhere. Empfohlen ab 9 Jahre. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1801994986
EAN 9781801994989
Veröffentlicht 13. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK eBooks

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'A gorgeous anthology of poems about food, this is funny, mouth-watering and moving, with delectable coloured illustrations to accompany the deliciousness' The Metro
'This moreish anthology - a menu of poetic snacks - is illustrated with beguiling, gentle humour' The Observer
Pocket Book of Pocket Poems is a hilarious pocket-sized collection of short poems which you'll want to keep close, from Carnegie-nominated poet A.F. Harrold, author of Midnight Feasts. Perfect for readers aged 8+.
Written in A.F. Harrold's fun and accessible style, these silly poems will get young readers smiling, whether they like poetry or not! With poems about everything from shenanigans at school, to what would happen if hens laid coconuts, Pocket Book of Pocket Poems and its hilarious illustrations will keep you giggling. From the Carnegie-nominated author of The Imaginary and The Worlds We Leave Behind, this collection of short and sweet poems, which are all 60 words and under, is the perfect book to carry with you anywhere.


A.F. Harrold (1975 - present) is an English poet and children's author. Some of the things he makes (books, poems, faces) are funny, some are strange, some are sad, and many of them involve the privilege of working with amazing illustrators. He often visits schools, reading poems and running workshops and juggling ideas.
He is the owner of many books, a handful of hats, a few good ideas and one beard. He lives in Reading with a stand-up comedian and two cats.

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