A. Naji Bakhti

Between Beirut and the Moon

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1910312568
EAN 9781910312568
Veröffentlicht August 2020
Verlag/Hersteller INFLUX PRESS
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,19 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'A joyous tale from a fresh new voice.'- Cosmopolitan
- Cosmopolitan
A young boy comes of age within the confines of post-civil-war Beirut, with conflict, and comedy lurking round every corner.
Adam dreams of becoming an astronaut but who has ever heard of an Arab on the moon? He battles with his father, a book-hoarding journalist with a penchant for writing eulogies, his closest friend, Basil, a Druze who is said to worship goats and believe in reincarnation, and a host of other misfits and miscreants in a city attempting recover from years of political and military violence.
Adam's youth oscillates from laugh out loud escapades, to near death encounters, as he struggles to understand the turbulent and elusive city he calls home.
''Set amidst the country's sectarian divisions as it attempts to recover from decades of political violence and civil war, Between Beirut and the Moon charts a young boy's near-death encounters, with a colourful cast and comical escapades. A unique debut.'
- AnOther Magazine


Born and raised in Beirut, Naji Bakhti graduated from the American University of Beirut (Lebanon, 2011). He recently obtained a PhD in Creative Writing from Lancaster University. Between Beirut and the Moon is his first book.

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