A Prophet in the Darkness

Exploring Theology in the Art of Georges Rouault. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1514011069
EAN 9781514011065
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2024
Verlag/Hersteller IVP Academic
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
34,34 inkl. MwSt.
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Many consider Georges Rouault (1871-1958) to be one of the most important religious painters of the last few centuries. Yet both the secular art world and the church have struggled to engage with his work, which is profoundly shaped by his Christian faith and also starkly explores the pain and darkness of human experience.
In this volume, a group of theologians, artists, and historians seek to bring Rouault out of the shadows. They offer a deeper understanding of the theological impulse of modern art and of Rouault's distinct contributions. Chapters explore how Rouault's unique work was influenced by his historical context, by personal suffering, and by biblical themes, especially the Passion of Christ. Essays are interspersed with original artistic responses to Rouault in the form of images and poetry, with contributions from Sandra Bowden, William A. Dyrness, Thomas Hibbs, Soo Kang, and others.
Rouault displays our need for mercy within a world of anguish. This book explores how his prophetic creativity continues to inspire artists and thinkers seeking to understand the powerful intersection of lament and hope.
The Studies in Theology and the Arts- series encourages Christians to thoughtfully engage with the relationship between their faith and artistic expression, with contributions from both theologians and artists on a range of artistic media including visual art, music, poetry, literature, film, and more.


Wesley Vander Lugt (PhD, University of St Andrews) is adjunct professor of theology and acting director of the Leighton Ford Initiative for Theology, the Arts, and Gospel Witness at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte. His publications include Living Theodrama: Reimagining Theological Ethics and Beauty Is Oxygen: Finding a Faith That Breathes.

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