A. Shoaibi

The Dream (Tanibor, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223521754
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller A. Shoaibi
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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In a land where ancient myths come alive and political tensions run high, Riad finds himself caught in a web of secrets, sorcery, and destiny. From the bustling markets in the city to the mystical deserts of Marib, "Tanibor" is a gripping young adult fantasy that delves deep into the heart of Arabian folklore, mythology and modern-day struggles.
When Riad stumbles upon a mysterious leather book, he unknowingly sets off a chain of events that will lead him into the heart of a conflict older than time itself. Guided by Mammon, a young man with a mysterious past, and Ameer, a wise elder with secrets of his own, Riad must navigate a world filled with treacherous tribes, ancient spells, and enigmatic guardians.
As they journey through perilous deserts and hidden worlds, the trio encounters a cast of unforgettable characters, from fierce Sheikhs to cunning sorcerers, each playing a role in the unfolding destiny of their world.
Will Riad unlock the secrets of the leather book and fulfill his destiny? Or will the northern tribes succeed in their ruthless quest for power?
Discover a world of magic, politics, and ancient secrets in this enthralling tale of courage, friendship, and destiny. Perfect for fans of unique cultural narratives and fast-paced fantasy adventures.


A. Shoaibi is an author shaped by a life rich in extraordinary experiences. With stories that blur the line between reality and imagination, this writer invites you to question the boundaries we often take for granted. Prepare for narratives that are as thought-provoking as they are entertaining, all grounded in the wisdom of a life well-lived.

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