A Zun Mo, Angus Johnstone

Reading & Writing Burmese: A Workbook for Self-Study

Learn to Read, Write and Pronounce Burmese Correctly (Online Audio & Printable Flash Cards). Downloadable Flash Cards and Online Audio recordings; b&w photos and illustrations; Burmese-English glossary. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 96 Seiten
ISBN 1462923127
EAN 9781462923120
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Tuttle Publishing

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The easy and accessible way to learn the Burmese writing system!
With this handy guide to the Burmese alphabet, you'll quickly learn how to read, write and pronounce Burmese letters as well as hundreds of useful words and phrases--no prior knowledge necessary!
Experienced language teachers and authors A Zun Mo and Angus Johnstone present consonants, vowels and tones, and words in a systematic, step-by-step approach. Start by tracing and copying individual letters before progressing to writing complete words and sentences.
This interactive workbook includes:Free online audio recordings that teach you to pronounce all the sounds of Burmese correctlyFun exercises to help you learn a broad range of useful vocabulary--numbers, family and friends, Burmese foods, and moreMnemonic illustrations to help you memorize the sounds of lettersClearly structured lessons with ample opportunity for writing and reading practiceA set of free downloadable flash cardsA complete answer key for all the exercisesThis resource is perfect for self-study learners, but can also be used for classroom instruction.


A Zun Mo is the go-to Burmese-language teacher in the Yangon expat community, where she has been teaching all levels from beginners to advanced since 2013. As a gifted high-school student, fluent in English, she was selected by the government to study Russian at university. She now has a B.A. in Russian Language and Culture from Yangon University of Foreign Languages. She is the author of Essential Burmese: Phrasebook and Dictionary.
Angus Johnstone has worked as a teacher in Myanmar across a number of different settings from a social enterprise bakery to a government nursing university. His keen interest in the study of the Myanmar language continues to this day.

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