Abigail Norfleet James, Sandra Boyd Allison, Caitlin Zimmerman McKenzie

Active Lessons for Active Brains

Teaching Boys and Other Experiential Learners, Grades 3-10. 50 B&W illustrations. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1629140279
EAN 9781629140278
Veröffentlicht März 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Learn what to do when your students' feet just can't keep still.
If you have had enough of repeating yourself to students who aren't listening, try a little less talk and a lot more action. The authors of Active Lessons for Active Brains have assembled an indispensable, ready-to-use collection of mathematics, language arts, science, and classroom management strategies to focus a classroom full of energetic minds. Designed for active, hands-on learners-whether male or female-the text provides more than 70 specific lesson plans for addressing students' common challenges, already differentiated to match their experiential learning style.
The many benefits of using this book include:
. A more orderly classroom
. Enhanced capacity to focus on tasks
. Improved retention of subject matter
. Increased student engagement
This book contains a wealth of examples, visuals, and material that can be easily reproduced in the classroom. Suitable for upper elementary to high school students, lesson plans can be readily adapted to suit any curriculum.


Abigail Norfleet James taught for many years in single-sex schools and consults on the subject of gendered teaching to school systems, colleges, and universities. Her area of expertise is developmental and educational psychology as applied to the gendered classroom.
Sandra Boyd Allison is an experienced educator with thirty-five years' teaching and consulting experience in curriculum instruction, secondary mathematics, and special education. She has been recognized by her peers as Teacher of the Year and holds National Board certification in AYA Mathematics.
Caitlin Zimmerman McKenzie is a teacher of language arts in single-gender middle schools. She has presented at national and regional conferences on teaching language arts in single-gender classrooms.

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