Change Management and its Relation to Emotional Intelligence - Achim Schiller

Achim Schiller

Change Management and its Relation to Emotional Intelligence

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in KByte: 427.
pdf eBook , 14 Seiten
ISBN 3389103732
EAN 9783389103739
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller GRIN Verlag

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Seminar paper from the year 2022 in the subject Leadership and Human Resources - Management Styles, grade: 1,7, University of Aarhus, course: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Organisations, language: English, abstract: This research "Change Management and its Relation to Emotional Intelligence" examines the connection between change management and emotional intelligence (EI) and argues that emotional intelligence plays a key role in the success of change projects.
The modern working world is fast-paced and dynamic - but certainly not constant. The market and competitive conditions are subject to constant changes, which lead to strategic realignments. Disruptive business models that are dominated by digitization are breaking down conservative structures and accelerating agile change.
The associated shortage of time as a resource requires a rethink and calls for efficient methods in order to be able to successfully master change. Changes are omnipresent and will increase significantly in the future. Fighting the resulting problems is usually the result. A solution-oriented approach should remedy the situation and include preventive measures in order to be able to secure a pioneering role in the modern business world. The American professor John Paul Kotter developed an approach based on existing change methods to determine problems and then to solve them.
To integrate a culture of change and to reach the goal, it's necessary that leaders behave emotional intelligent. Leaders have the responsibility to overcome challenges and implement the change in their organization or institution. Emotional intelligence distinguishes among leaders who are successful in organizations, where technical skills are less of a significant factor.

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