Active Learning and Student Engagement -

Active Learning and Student Engagement

International Perspectives and Practices in Geography in Higher Education. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 5.
pdf eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1317999517
EAN 9781317999515
Veröffentlicht September 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
66,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This book explores the key issues of active learning and student engagement in higher education from an international perspective, drawing on a broad range of teaching practices in geography.
This book is a collection of articles previously published in two special issues of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education.


Mick Healey is Professor of Geography, University of Gloucestershire, UK, and Senior Adviser for Geography for the National Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. He is a National Teaching Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has twice been awarded the Journal of Geography in Higher Education Biennial Award for Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Eric Pawson is Professor of Geography, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He is a teaching award winner, a former Head of Department, and member of the Social Science Panel of the Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Research Fund.
Michael Solem is Educational Affairs Director at the Association of American Geographers, where he directs several federally funded initiatives supporting geography education in the United States and internationally. His research (with Ken Foote) on geography faculty development was recognized by the Journal of Geography in Higher Education's Biennial Award for Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

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