Adam Davidson

The Passion Economy

The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1473683688
EAN 9781473683686
Veröffentlicht Januar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller John Murray
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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An indispensable roadmap and a refreshingly optimistic take on our economic future: Award-winning New Yorker staff writer and brilliant creator of NPR's Planet Money shows us how the 21st century economic paradigm offers unprecedented opportunities for curious, ambitious individuals to combine the things they love with their careers.
From 'Focus on Intimacy at Scale' to 'Find Your Valuable Five Percent' and 'The Harder Your Core Customer Is to Reach, The Better You Will Do', Adam Davidson lays down the Ground Rules for success in the new economy.
Drawing on inspiring case studies - a sweatshop-owner's daughter fighting for better working conditions, an Amish craftsman meeting the technological needs of his fellow farmers - as well as the latest academic research, he shows us how the twentieth-century economy of scale has given way in this century to an economy of passion.
Davidson's special talent for breaking down daunting economic terminology and making theory accessible have won him not only respect as an economics guru but also most of broadcast journalism's highest honours. In this breath-of-fresh-air book, he inspires us all to see that with intimacy, insight, attention, automation, and of course, passion, we can succeed in this new economic world.


Adam Davidson

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