Adib Khorram

The Breakup Lists

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 14 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0593616413
EAN 9780593616413
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Dial Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Love is more complicated than "boy meets boy" in bestselling author Adib Khorram's sharply funny new romantic comedy, set in the sordid world of high school theater
Jackson Ghasnavi is a lot of things-a techie, a smoothie afficionado, a totally not obsessive list-maker-but one thing he's not is a romantic. And why would he be? He's already had a front row seat to his parents' divorce and picked up the pieces of his sister Jasmine's broken heart one too many times.
No, Jackson is perfectly happy living life behind the scenes-he is a stage manager, after all-and keeping his romantic exploits limited to the breakup lists he makes for Jasmine, which chronicle every flaw (real or imagined) of her various and sundry exes.
Enter Liam: the senior swim captain turned leading man that neither of the Ghasnavi siblings stop thinking about. Not that Jackson has a crush, of course. Jasmine is already setting her sights on him and he's probably-no, definitely-straight anyway.
So why does the idea of eventually writing a breakup list for him feel so impossible?


Adib Khorram lives in Kansas City, Missouri. When he isn't writing, you can probably find him trying to get his hundred-yard freestyle under a minute, learning to do a Lutz jump, or steeping a cup of oolong. His debut novel, Darius the Great Is Not Okay, earned several awards, including the William C. Morris Debut Award, the Asian/Pacific American Award for Young Adult Literature, and a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor. He is also the author of Darius the Great Deserves Better, Kiss and Tell, and the picture book Seven Special Somethings: A Nowruz Story.

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