Agatha Christie, Zenith Blue Ridge

The Mysterious Affair at Styles

The Classic Whodunit That Introduced Hercule Poirot. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 258 Seiten
ISBN 2384233106
EAN 9782384233106
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Zenith Blue Ridge Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Step into the world of intrigue and deception with Agatha Christie's unforgettable debut novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles-the book that introduced the brilliant Hercule Poirot to the world.
When wealthy heiress Emily Inglethorp is found dead under suspicious circumstances in her sprawling country estate, Styles Court, the household is thrown into turmoil. With poisoned coffee as the apparent murder weapon, suspicions run high, and secrets begin to unravel.
Enter Hercule Poirot, the meticulous and methodical Belgian detective. Recently retired and seeking refuge in England, Poirot is called upon to untangle the web of lies, jealousy, and hidden motives within the household. Armed with his unparalleled intellect and "little grey cells," Poirot sets out to uncover the truth behind the shocking crime.
With red herrings, unexpected twists, and a masterfully crafted plot, The Mysterious Affair at Styles keeps readers guessing until the final reveal. This is the quintessential country house mystery that launched Christie's illustrious career as the Queen of Crime.
First published in 1920, The Mysterious Affair at Styles has captivated readers for over a century, solidifying Agatha Christie as a global literary icon. Praised for its ingenious plot and the introduction of Hercule Poirot-one of the most beloved fictional detectives of all time-this timeless classic remains a cornerstone of the mystery genre.
Join Hercule Poirot on his very first case and discover why Agatha Christie's work continues to enthrall millions of readers. Add The Mysterious Affair at Styles to your collection today, and prepare for a journey of suspense, intellect, and unparalleled storytelling.

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