Ai Guru

AI Ethics: Artificial Intelligence Beyond the Algorithm (Ethical AI: Navigating the Artificial Intelligence Landscape, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230994848
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Pure Water Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Discover the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence and navigate its complexities with ease through our comprehensive guide, "AI Ethics: Beyond the Algorithm." This book goes beyond the technicalities of algorithms to address the broader ethical implications of AI technologies, offering a deep and insightful exploration for AI developers, policymakers, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and ethics.
What You'll Find Inside:- In-depth Analysis to Explore the historical context, evolution, and key ethical principles relevant to AI development.- Societal Impacts to Understand the benefits and challenges of AI in various aspects of life, from employment to healthcare.- Algorithmic Bias to Delve into the causes and consequences of algorithmic bias and discover strategies to mitigate it.- Privacy and Data Protection to Learn about the ethical considerations in data collection, storage, and usage, along with global standards and regulations.- Transparency and Accountability to Gain insights into building trust and ensuring accountability in AI systems.- Global and Cultural Perspectives to Discover how different cultures perceive and address AI ethics, with case studies highlighting unique challenges.- Practical Guidelines to Find ethical guidelines and best practices for AI developers and engineers.- Industry-Specific Ethics to Explore ethical considerations in deploying AI across various sectors, with real-world examples.- Future Directions to Stay ahead of emerging ethical issues and evolving AI regulations and standards.- Quizzes with Answers to Test your knowledge and reinforce your understanding with engaging quizzes.- Practical Exercises to Apply ethical principles and concepts through hands-on exercises.- Real-life examples to Learn from real-world scenarios and case studies that illustrate ethical challenges and solutions.
Empower Yourself and Your AI Projects:
Take a proactive step towards creating ethically sound AI technologies that benefit humanity and align with our moral values. "AI Ethics: Beyond the Algorithm" is your indispensable guide to navigating the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence.


AI Guru is a renowned author and expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with a plethora of AI-related books to his credit. Originally from India, he moved to Canada as a student in 2008 and pursued his education in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa, graduating with a Bachelor's degree in 2013.
With a passion for writing about Artificial Intelligence, [Author's Name] has become an AI guru, blending his academic knowledge with real-world experience in both the private and public sectors. His professional journey includes roles as a Technical Support Specialist, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, and IT Project Manager.
A dedicated lifelong learner, [Author's Name] has attended numerous seminars, conferences, and events focused on AI. Additionally, he has taken various courses and obtained certifications in the AI field to continually enhance his expertise.
AI Guru is a prolific writer and a devoted family man who is married and has children. His commitment to his family and his career is a testament to his dedication and hard work. Through his books and professional endeavours, he continues to inspire and educate others about the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence.

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