Akshat Pathak

Before I Turned Evil (The Evil Life, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230009924
Veröffentlicht 14. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Akshat S. Pathak
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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An unloved childhood...
As a new-born, he always lived a happy life.
His father was his king, and his mother was his queen. His elders always loved him, and the neighbours always cared for him. Everyone made him happy, and no-one ever made him sad.
he became a man; and lost everything, he had. He lost his loved ones, he lost his home. He lost his freedom, and then – lost his own goal.
"How did his life turn so cold?"
His belovette 'now', wished to know - to erase the old.
'Set-Up In A Noir Setting' - with themes of an anti-hero protagonist, this story will be loved by the readers Of Mystery And Crime Fiction.'


With the intention to capture the world with different norms, indie author Akshat S. Pathak is on the venture to bring the dead literature of the old times back to life, once again. Residing in the city of Nagpur(India) he has written several published as well as unpublished literary works with the prominent themes of love and death. In the times of crisis and rejuvenated solitude, he has focused his eternal heart to write stories, poems and novels that would be of some importance to the pessimistic reforms, and cultures of life.
Belonging to the native place of Nagpur in the urban state of Maharashtra, he grew up in an environment less likely to promote literary ambitions and motives. His teenage was a prolific conflict in determining the right in his life making him one of the most underrated fiction artists of all time. Completing his middle school from R.S.M.E.S and high school from Hislop Junior College, he studied a variety of group subjects with a specifically aggressive interest in English language and linguistics, alongside Psychology. In the present times, he is focusing his academic activities for higher studies in humanities, especially language and philosophy.
Purposefully and with intentions above the common men & women, he has vowed to himself to bring in a new flexible pattern of thinking amongst the critics, the readers and those with immense power to influence individuals. Arguably, he has kept himself according to the classification of an old school writer, with traditional beliefs over the orthodox modern thinking of today's society. His ultimate aim is to unify people against hate with the power of love and the gratifying death.
With the call of the Almighty, tomorrow he may not be here amongst all of us, but today he will leave behind stories, poems and novels which will last forever.

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