Alan & Gill Bridgewater, Mike Mcgrath, Barry Gross, Frank Egholm, Chris Gleason

Making Practical Backyard Projects in Wood

Beautiful Things to Make in a Weekend, Including Ready-to-Use Plans & Patterns. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1637415001
EAN 9781637415009
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Fox Chapel Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Never run out of backyard DIY woodworking projects when you have a copy of Making Practical Backyard Projects in Wood: Plans and Patterns for Better Outdoor Living! Featuring contributions from a veritable all-star team of DIY experts from Alan and Gill Bridgewater to woodworking teacher Bill Hylton, this collection of 20 home woodworking and backyard makeover ideas is an instant cure for cabin fever. Inside, you'll find plans for smaller builds--think herb boxes and birdhouses--as well as plans for larger projects like planter benches, tool sheds, and classic Adirondack chairs. With additional contributions from master birdhouse designer Paul Meisel and tips from Mike McGrath, former host of PBS's You Bet Your Garden, it's an encyclopedic examination of everything wood can do to improve the look and feel of your outdoor living space. Making Practical Backyard Projects in Wood doesn't stop there, either. Don't be surprised if you learn all sorts of fascinating outdoor DIY tidbits that make you want to maximize every inch of your balcony or yard.


Alan and Gill Bridgewater have gained an international reputation as promoters of the self-sufficient lifestyle. They produce gardening, woodworking, and DIY books on a range of subjects, including furniture-making, hand tool techniques, stone and brickwork, decks and decking, wood-carving and woodturning. They have written more than 50 highly successful books to date, including The Self-Sufficiency Specialist and The Wildlife Garden Specialist. Alan and Gill frequently contribute articles and designs to national magazines.
Mike McGrath is editor-at-large for Organic Gardening and is the former editor-in-chief. He writes a monthly column, "Mike McGrath's Tall Tales," and answers questions on the magazine's website. McGrath's "You Bet Your Garden" airs weekly on National Public Radio. He has made frequent guest appearances on NBC's Weekend Today and NPR's "All Things Considered".
Barry Gross, an expert woodworker and artisan with more than 30 years of experience, specializes in transforming wood and other media such as Corian - the kitchen countertop material - into amazing pieces of art and useful every-day items. A skilled teacher who knows how to start at the beginning, Barry volunteers solutions to his own mistakes with the hope of encouraging beginners to redesign rather than recycle. Barry is a member of the American Association of Woodturners, the Bucks County Woodturning Association and the Scroll Saw Association of the World. Barry was recently invited to join the prestigious Pen Makers' Guild and is named in Who's Who in 2005. His art can be seen in various art galleries including Island Earth Gallery, Langman Galleries and Wylands Sae Life Gallery in New York. In addition, he has received commissions from DuPont and for the Alien Stinger display at the New York Aquarium. His exquisite turned pens are sought after for gifting, most noteably, his Stars and Strips pen was recently gifted to House Speaker Dennis Hastert. Barry Gross is the author of Pen Turner's Workbook, Learn to Turn and a frequent contributor to Scroll Saw Workshop magazine and Woodturning Design Magazine. He lives in Bensalem, Pennsylvania.
Frank Egholm is a Danish woodcarver, woodsman, lecturer, and author (The Danish Art of Whittling: Simple Projects for the Home; Easy Wood Carving for Children) specializing in understated one-knife projects, bushcraft, and toys/games. His "Simple Songbird" project appeared in the 2018 issue of Whittling magazine. He publishes short technique and project tutorials on YouTube and on his website. His wife, Lillian, is a professional illustrator; together, they authored Quick & Easy Whittling for Kids, which is scheduled for our spring 2023 season. Website: Snittesiden.dkYoutube -- Frank Egholm
Bill Hylton is the author of Router Magic and Woodworking with the Router, and appears at woodworking seminars and demonstrations around the country. He is an expert on routers, power tools, and furniture building. He lives in Quarryville, Pennsylvania.
Paul Meisel has had 10 years' experience as an industrial arts instructor. He now owns Meisel Hardware Specialties, a project plan and woodworking supply company that focuses on distributing plans for woodworking projects that are accessible for carving students and beginners as well as experts.

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