Alan H. Apostolopoulos


The Thread Of Life. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 280 Seiten
ISBN 6559229475
EAN 9786559229475
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Literare Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
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"Fate: the thread of life" is a love story based on real events that spans three countries and transcends many wars and tragic separations over more than a century. In this novel written by Alan and Dimitra Apostolopoulos, destiny acts as a keen architect, weaving the lives of the characters in unimaginable ways. It is a tale of faith and resilience, demonstrating how the thread of life connects people regardless of the obstacles that may arise, defying all adversities.
At the heart of the narrative, we find families of Greek origin whose memories and experiences are passed down from generation to generation. The book not only guides descendants to explore their Greek ancestry but also highlights the various ways connections can be established through family ties. Furthermore, it unveils a little-known story of resistance against domination and submission that the Greek territory endured.
The plot of this book is captivating and engaging from the first page, creating vivid images of the events that unfold throughout the story. Throughout the pages, we are introduced to relationships of love and friendship, witnessing how a united family manages to endure unimaginable wars and conflicts. The book is an emotional journey that reminds us of the strength of family bonds and the ability to overcome insurmountable challenges in the name of love and unity.


Alan H. Apostolopoulos - Born in Athens, Greece, graduated in Engineering from FEI. He paid for his studies by teaching mathematics at the State Gymnasium and José de Anchieta College. He worked in the automotive industry and, with his entrepreneurial spirit, founded his first company. A pioneer, he brought innovative technologies to Brazil at the time in the field of computerized machine tools. He created innovative technology for assembling large storage tanks in the oil refinery sector. After retiring, he handed the company over to his children and began acting as an advisor, dedicating himself to writing and publishing his first book.
Dimitra Apostolopoulos - Born in the Kalithea neighborhood in Athens, Greece, she is a businesswoman specializing in the commercial area and team training. Co-author of this work and the author's wife, she dedicated herself to recording the family's history for future generations.

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