Alastair Sterne

Longing for Joy

An Invitation into the Goodness and Beauty of Life. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1514008998
EAN 9781514008997
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller IVP
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Can we still have joy in a world of pain and anxiety?
The troubles around us and in our lives lead many of us into a joyless experience where despair and hopelessness are the norm. Yet something within us still longs for a joy that transcends our challenges and gives us meaning and satisfaction.
Alastair Sterne says that our inner longings for joy actually point us to a God of joy who gives us both the capacity for joy and the realities of joyful experience. Sterne explores pathways to joy and why we often experience the absence of joy. He then offers theologically grounded and research-based practices for becoming people of joyful presence. Even if we are not temperamentally happy enthusiasts, we can gradually cultivate the deep abiding joy that we were created for and that enriches the world around us.


Alastair Sterne (DIS, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a creative director turned pastor. He serves as the associate pastor at Coastline Church in Victoria, British Columbia. He previously partnered with Redeemer City to City and founded St. Peter's Fireside, a creative liturgical church in Vancouver. He is the author of Rhythms for Life: Spiritual Practices for Who God Made You to Be. Alastair and his wife, Julia, write and podcast together at and collect joy with their daughters in Victoria, British Columbia.

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