Alexander C. Karp, Nicholas W. Zamiska

The Technological Republic

The Sunday Times bestseller from the great minds behind Palantir. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1529945399
EAN 9781529945393
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Vintage Digital

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From the Palantir co-founder and The Economist's 'best CEO of 2024,' and his deputy, a sweeping indictment of the West's culture of complacency and a passionate call for the West to wake up to our new reality.
Our most brilliant engineering minds once collaborated with government to advance world-changing technologies. Their efforts secured the West's dominant place in the geopolitical order. But that relationship has now eroded, with perilous repercussions.
In this groundbreaking treatise, one of tech's boldest thinkers and his longtime deputy offer a searing critique of our collective abandonment of ambition. Palantir co-founder and CEO Alexander C. Karp and Nicholas W. Zamiska argue that in order for the West to retain its global edge-and preserve the freedoms we take for granted-the software industry must renew its commitment to addressing our most urgent challenges, including the new arms race of artificial intelligence. Government, in turn, must embrace the most effective features of the engineering mindset that have propelled Silicon Valley's success.
Above all, leaders must reject intellectual fragility and preserve space for ideological confrontation. A willingness to risk the disapproval of the crowd, Karp and Zamiska contend, has everything to do with technological and economic out-performance.
At once iconoclastic and rigorous, this book will also lift the veil on Palantir and its broader political project from the inside, offering a passionate call for the West to wake up to our new reality.


Alexander C.Karp (Author)
Alexander C. Karp is co-founder and CEO of Palantir Technologies Inc. The company, established in Palo Alto, California, in 2003, builds software and artificial intelligence capabilities that are used by defense and intelligence agencies in the United States and allied nations around the world, as well as companies across the commercial sector. Karp is a graduate of Haverford College and Stanford Law School. He earned his doctorate in social theory from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
Nicholas W.Zamiska (Author)
Nicholas W. Zamiska is head of corporate affairs and legal counsel to the office of the CEO at Palantir. He also serves on the board of directors of the Palantir Foundation for Defense Policy & International Affairs. Zamiska received his J.D. from Yale Law School and is a graduate of Yale College. He was born in New York City.

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