Alexander McCabe

A Tale of Three Cities

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
Veröffentlicht November 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Alexander McCabe
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"You can run but you cannot hide" - Something that Kristy Bradley knows only too well.
Having escaped the seedy core that is the Big Apple, and leaving a Mafia don convicted of her alleged kidnapping, Kristy created a new life for herself as Penny. She finds her soulmate in Z, and they are living the perfect life together, blissfully happy on her sprawling Scottish estate.
That is, until Melissa Chisholm has a chance encounter with a dated magazine article revealing Penny's true identity. With intentions as pure as her naivety - not to mention the million-dollar reward - she has no idea of the perilous danger that awaits her arrival in New York.
Now the race is on for Penny and Z to protect all that they hold dear.....each other.


After graduating with a couple of useless degrees in law, Alexander McCabe left his Scottish homeland and wandered nomadically around the globe to experience the rich diversity of culture that the world has to offer. Along the way, he met his wonderful wife. Between them, they have managed to extend their family with the addition of their little boy, Gabriel.
For the moment, they call Toronto 'home', although that is always subject to change...
For more information about the author, and all upcoming events and new releases, please visit

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