Ali Bryan

The Crow Valley Karaoke Championships

A Novel. 1/c printed ends. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1250863449
EAN 9781250863447
Veröffentlicht Juli 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Henry Holt and Co.
12,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A prison escape, a bear on the loose, botched lyrics. What more could go wrong with Crow Valley's most anticipated night of the year?
A year after forest fires ravaged the town of Crow Valley and claimed the life of Dale Jepson-karaoke legend, local prison guard, and all-around good guy-the community hosts a high-stakes karaoke competition. But when a convicted murderer escapes from nearby Crow Valley Correctional, residents discover there's more on the line than local, perhaps even national, karaoke fame.
In this darkly comedic, fast-paced ride through an unforgettable small town, five residents with intimate connections to Dale and drastically different goals for the night will collide into, conspire with, and aid one another as they scramble to make it successfully through the evening under the scrutinizing watch of neighbors.
To the soundtrack of classics belted out with abandon, voices will crack, cars will be stolen, marriages will falter, and kids will slip away in search of trouble. And maybe, just maybe, lives will be transformed for the better.


Ali Bryan

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