Alice Valdal

The Man Who Loved Christmas And Other Short Stories

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0993621201
EAN 9780993621208
Veröffentlicht November 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Alice Valdal
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The Man Who Loved Christmas, the title of the first story in this collection of mystical tales, is an almost fairy-tale about family and life and Christmas and love that never dies. Protagonists in the other stories range from a teenage girl to an old woman with the theme of family and love and unseen possibilities in the Christmas season.
This collection contains six stories of mysticism, hope and charm, a Christmas gift to readers.


The only girl in a family of boys, I found my best friends between the pages of a good book. Snuggled in a warm quilt, I chased bad guys with Nancy Drew, nursed the sick with Cherry Ames and honed my imagination with Anne of Green Gables. As a teenager, I discovered Harlequin romances and have been hooked on the genre ever since.
Always a history buff, I earned my B.A. from Queen's University at Kingston with a major in English and a minor in history, then went on to teach those subjects at a high school level. Over the years, life took many twists and turns, with several career changes, but my love of romance and belief in happy endings never wavered.
My writing has taken a new twist in the past few years. My mixed choir of adults and children is constantly in search of a Christmas Musical Play. For our resources, there seems to be a dearth of available material, so I've now added playwright to my other hats.
I live with my husband and two cats on beautiful Vancouver Island. When not spinning tales in front of the computer, I enjoy gardening, needlework, music and the ocean view from my kitchen window.

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