Alisha Rai

Girl Gone Viral

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 400 Seiten
ISBN 0062877887
EAN 9780062877888
Veröffentlicht April 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Avon Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In Alisha Rai's second novel in her Modern Love series, a reclusive investor goes viral, shoving her into the world's spotlight—and into the arms of the bodyguard she's been pining for... OMG! Wouldn't it be adorable if he's her soulmate??? I don't see any wedding rings Breaking: #CafeBae and #CuteCafeGirl went to the bathroom AT THE SAME TIME!!! One minute, Katrina King's enjoying an innocent conversation with a random guy at a coffee shop; the next, a stranger has live-tweeted the entire encounter with a romantic meet-cute spin and #CafeBae has the world swooning. Going viral isn't easy for anyone, but Katrina has painstakingly built a private world for herself, far from her traumatic past. Besides, everyone has it all wrong...that #CafeBae bro? He isn't the man she's hungry for. He's got a to die for. With the internet on the hunt for the identity of #CuteCafeGirl, Jas Singh, bodyguard and possessor of the most beautiful eyebrows Katrina's ever seen, offers his family's farm as a refuge. Alone with her unrequited crush feels like a recipe for hopeless longing, but Katrina craves the escape. She's resigned to being just friends with Jas--until they share a single electrifying kiss. Now she can't help but wonder if her crush may not be so unrequited after all...


Alisha Rai pens award-winning contemporary romances, and her novels have been named Best Books of the Year by the Washington Post, NPR, Amazon, Entertainment Weekly, Kirkus, and Cosmopolitan magazine. When she's not writing, Alisha is traveling or tweeting. To find out more about her books or to sign up for her newsletter, visit

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