Alison L. Alverson

Empath: An Extensive Guide for Developing Your Gift of Intuition to Thrive in Life (Empath Series Book 1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393883842
EAN 9781393883845
Veröffentlicht April 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Alison L. Alverson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Debunk the myths surrounding empaths…
Do you or someone you know seem to be constantly struggling to fit in with the societal norm?
Does confusion, personal struggle, chronic exhaustion, anxiety, and depression run rampant throughout your daily life?
Have you tried everything to make sense of this, but nothing seems to be falling into place?
If so, chances are high that you, or your loved one, are simply unaware of being an empath. In fact, many people struggle with heightened sensitivities and empathy overload.
As an empath, it's important to know that you are not alone and that there are certain things you can do to protect yourself and maintain your emotional strength. There are certain exercises, journaling prompts, and meditations that can initiate spiritual healing and empower this inner energy.
In EMPATH, you will discover:Why being an empath doesn't necessarily mean oversensitivity and fragilityThe key characteristic needed to categorize someone as a true empathThe differences between empaths, highly sensitive people, and empathy, including why these differences matterHow the workings behind empaths can be explained using scienceThe lurking siren that can attract any empath and throw them into a downward spiralWhat type of empath you are, along with what precautions you need to takeJust how destructive society and its status quo can be on the empathThe best way to protect yourself from narcissists and energy vampiresThe influence Oprah Winfrey has on the empath community, as well as why you should implement her teachings into your own lifeThe 3 effective action steps every empath must do to avoid addictionThe best 14 careers for empaths to make appropriate use of their unique giftAnd much, much more
Enough with all the confusion, enough with the lack of awareness, and enough with the societal neglect. With EMPATH as your survival guide, you will find a heightened awareness around all of it and be able to fully embrace your gift.
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Alison L. Alverson is an American and accomplished self-published author. She is an empath, who has spent nearly one decade, since awakening, mastering her empathic nature. She studied various psychological techniques and attended spiritual healing workshops from a variety of traditions.

She has a burning passion and an open spirit to help empaths, who are the healers, the nurturers, and the highly sensitive persons, manage their empathy without getting drained and teach them strategies to thrive as an empath by sharing with them her experiences and practical tips that helped her. She wants to grow continuously, and she wants to encourage empaths to do the same through taking ​consistent actions.

Alison loves to travel and finds her passion in writing books. She is a social person and loves sitting with people and listening to them. In her free time, she likes taking photos, especially outdoors, and listening to the sound of nature. Alison loves to hear from her dear readers.

Feel free to email her at

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