Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies - Allan Keith, Herbert Raffaele, Janis Raffaele, James Wiley, Orlando Garrido

Allan Keith, Herbert Raffaele, Janis Raffaele, James Wiley, Orlando Garrido

Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies

Second Edition. 2. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 35.
pdf eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 147298434X
EAN 9781472984340
Veröffentlicht Juli 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Helm

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Birds of the West Indies is the first field guide that covers and depicts all birds known to occur in the region, including infrequently occurring and introduced forms.
Now fully updated and expanded, this stunningly illustrated book features detailed accounts of more than 600 species, describing field marks, range, status, voice and habitat.
More than 100 beautiful colour plates depict plumages of all species, and the book includes distribution maps, a colour code for endemics, and an incisive introduction that discusses avifaunal changes in the West Indies over the past fifteen years.


Allan Keith is an ornithologist and the co-author of The Birds of Hispaniola, Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, Birds of New Hampshire, Birds of St Lucia, and Birds of the West Indies.


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