Amber Anthony

Roman's Revenge (Roman's Adventures, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393585450
EAN 9781393585459
Veröffentlicht Juli 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Amber Anthony
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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" Author Amber Anthony generously doles out steamy romance, heart-pounding action, and edge-of-your-seat suspense."
Jax's mission for a 'happily ever after' with Kameo is an exercise in 'taking no prisoners', SEAL style.
Jax Roman: courage, nobility, and strength. His clever mind and agile body propelled him to the head of his SEAL team.
Jax is in charge of his world, vertical and horizontal. He leads his own team until...the Lobos Cartel sets out to eliminate him through a chain of deceit. Jax meets Dr. Kameo Alana in his most desperate hour -- when he is wrongly imprisoned for a Senator's murder. Her family has borne the cartel's insidious punishment.
Kameo is more than a balm for his pain, without her, Jax could never claim his freedom. Together they sizzle white-hot.
" ...packed full of suspense and adventure that kept you turning the page."
"From beginning to end our hero moves through danger, intrigue, excitement, and romance at a pace that keeps you reading."


Amber Anthony is the pen name for Nancy Reynolds and Rusty Hough Bader.
Nancy's background is in professional theatre. Rusty's experience was dance and theatre. They met through their love of British history.
Their first collaboration, a genre-drama short film script, Maxwell Older was a Las Vegas Film Festival winner.
After developing several scripts of note, they directed their talents toward writing Paranormal Romance with an emphasis on magical realism in their 'undead'. Their mythology of day walking undead includes their delivering the perfect orgasmic bite to satisfy their mortal donors. Vamps have to eat somewhere, right?
Their living, breathing romances also spellbind the Reader with Metaphysical, Military, and Suspense Romance.
Nancy and Rusty have lived in a variety of cities across the continental United States. Research always means travel, and that is one of their favorite pastimes.
Amber Anthony's books are based in Baltimore, San Diego, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Ireland, Scotland, and Honolulu.
Their Alpha males are heroes for today. Their heroines are quick on their feet and smart as the devil.
When they aren't collaborating long-distance, they live in separate cities with their menageries of cats and dogs.
In addition to ebooks and paperbacks, they collaborate with Jacob Emory on their audiobooks.

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