Ameet Nd

Gut Health, Liver Detox, Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Weight Loss & Healthy Skin

Heal Your Mind, Body & Hormones With Diet, Nutrition, Natural Medicine & Holistic Therapies. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 44 Seiten
EAN 6610000270293
Veröffentlicht September 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Ameet Aggarwal
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Voted as one of the Top 43 therapists in the world, 5-times bestselling author, naturopath and psychotherapist Dr. Ameet helps you to easily heal your health issues, depression, anxiety, mood, liver, indigestion, skin, hormones, inflammation and sexual issues with nutrition, healthy foods, natural medicine, holistic therapies, mental health & trauma healing.
Your health is the most valuable gift you have. Reading this holistic book and watching Dr. Ameet's free videos will quickly help you treat:  
. Leaky gut, Inflammation & LIVER DETOX
. Adrenal Fatigue, Thyroid & hormonal health
. Trauma and painful thoughts healing, mood therapy & emotional support
Doctors and therapists from around the world love Dr. Ameet's approach to healing the mind and body together. Here are some reviews of his other work:
"Dr. Ameet gives simple steps to help you recover from anxiety, depression, stress and burnout, and with long-lasting results" - Dr. Hyla Cass MD, Bestselling Author and Holistic Psychiatrist. 
"There's amazing details on holistic therapies, foods and specific exercises to release emotional stress and trauma to optimize your emotions and health." - Geeta K, Master Reiki Healer
"I learnt how to fix inflammation, my mood and detox my liver with the most effective herbs, foods and supplements." R.K. 
"I love the list of homeopathic and Bach flower remedies that go into very specific emotions. Not everyone has the same type of anxiety or depression, and that's clear with Dr. Ameet's book." - Sandra, Anxiety Survivor

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