Amie Jane Leavitt

Famous Women in History: Nellie Bly

Intrepid Reporter. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 48 Seiten
ISBN 1637415680
EAN 9781637415689
Veröffentlicht 25. Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Curious Fox Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A detailed chronicle of the career of the late 1800s trailblazing investigative reporter, Nellie Bly. A letter to the Editor of The Pittsburgh Dispatch turned into a position of journalist with the paper. She tackled tough societal issues, unheard of from woman in those days. However, the businesses she exposed threatened to pull advertising, so she was moved to cover topics deemed more appropriate for a woman. She ultimately became a freelance journalist and later moved to New York and worked as an investigative reporter for New York World, often going undercover, or as it was called then, being a "stunt reporter". She also reported on her 72-day trip around the world. The biography details her marriage to a business tycoon, her time as President of the company and her ultimate return to journalism. Contextual side stories offer further perspective on key details, locations, and people referenced in Bly's story. Archival photographs, drawings, and paintings are chronologically arranged, adding visual context to her remarkable life and career, as well as the inclusion of further reading and website recommendations, maps, glossary, and index. Content developed for young readers, interest level grades 4-6 (reading level, grade 5).

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