Amy Buswell, Bruce Lansky

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons Sample

A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 26 Seiten
ISBN 1451680864
EAN 9781451680867
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Meadowbrook
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Sample Lesson from Amy Buswell and Bruce Lansky's Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons! Turn struggling readers into happy readers — For Grades 2-5.
This sample lesson and introduction from Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons provides the research and methodology behind the most entertaining fluency intervention ever! As well as a kid-tested poem, customized reading lesson, an off-the-wall illustration, and zany performance tips—all designed to make the process of reading more like fun than work! Perfect for teachers and parents who want to help children improve their reading. Check out the full version of Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons available in softcover and eBook for the full lesson plan.


Amy Buswell is a reading specialist who teaches in West Palm Beach, FL. Her entertaining "reading lessons” have dramatically raised the reading skills and scores of the students who attended schools at which she has taught.
Bruce Lansky has written and edited 18 books of humorous poetry for children, which have sold more than 3.5 million copies. Lansky has visited more than 600 schools, and he also created the popular Giggle Poetry website.
Stephen Carpenter is the illustrator who has helped 16 "Giggle Poetry” books come alive with hilarious illustrations. He lives just outside Kansas City with his wife, Becki, and their sheepdog, Lulu.

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