Amy Gentry

Good as Gone

A Novel of Suspense. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0544916077
EAN 9780544916074
Veröffentlicht Juli 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Mariner Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
18,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A New York Times Book Review Editors ChoiceSo gripping you might start to question your own family's past.Entertainment Weekly';[One] of the most anticipated summer thrillers . . . Gentrys novel isnt primarily about the version of the self that comes from a name and a family of origin; instead, it draws our attention to the self thats forged from sheer survival, and from the clarifying call to vengeance.' New York Times Book ReviewAnna's daughterJuliewas kidnapped from her own bedroom when she was thirteen years old, while Anna slept just downstairs, unaware that her daughter was being ripped away from her. For eight years, she has lived with the guilt and the void in her family, hoping against hope that Julie is still alive. And then one night, the doorbell rings. A young woman who appears to be Julie is finally, miraculously, home safe. Anna and the rest of the family are thrilled, but soon Anna begins to see holes in Julie's story. When she is contacted by a former detective turned private eye, she is forced to wonder if this young woman is even her daughter at all. And if she isn't Julie, what is it that she wants?';So much about this novel is fresh and insightful and decidedly not like every other thriller . . . Good as Gone ranks as an outstanding debut, well worth reading. This is no mere Gone Girl wannabe.' Dallas Morning News


AMY GENTRY is a book reviewer for the Chicago Tribune whose work has also appeared in Salon, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and the Best Food Writing of 2014. She lives in Austin, where she volunteered for several years with victims of sexual and domestic violence.

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