Andrea Hutton

Bald Is Better with Earrings

A Survivor's Guide to Getting Through Breast Cancer. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 229 Seiten
ISBN 0062375679
EAN 9780062375674
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Harper

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The breast cancer guide every woman needs for herself, her best friend, and her sister—a warm, practical, relatable handbook, that dispels the terror, taking you step-by-step through the process, from diagnosis to post-treatment.
When Andrea Hutton was diagnosed with breast cancer, she wanted to know everything. She voraciously read books, articles, and websites and talked to everyone she knew. But nothing prepared her for what the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation would feel like. Were there tricks that could ease her pain and discomfort? What was “fatigue” and how would it affect her? At what exact moment would her hair fall out and how? Hutton wanted what she could not find: a clear how-to guide for the cancer girl she had become.
Bald Is Better with Earrings is Hutton's answer for women diagnosed with breast cancer: a straightforward handbook, leavened with humor and inspiration, to shepherd them though the experience. Warm and down-to-earth, Hutton explains what to expect and walks you through this intense and emotional process: tests, surgery, chemo, losing your hair and shaving your head, being bald, radiation treatments.
Hutton offers a wealth of invaluable advice—from tricks for surviving chemo, to treating your skin during radiation, to keeping track of meds—and includes a practical list of tips for each stage of the process at the end of every chapter. Compassionate, friendly, and shaped by Hutton's first-hand knowledge, Bald Is Better with Earrings is the comprehensive, essential companion for anyone dealing with breast cancer.


A graduate of Duke University and an interior designer, Andrea Hutton was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 at the age of forty-one. Andrea is now five years out and cancer-free. In addition to continuing her interior design career for select clients, Andrea is a marketing and management consultant. She lives in Santa Barbara, California, with her husband and two children.

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