Vocabulary Ninja - Andrew Jennings

Andrew Jennings

Vocabulary Ninja

Second edition of the bestselling guide to teaching vocabulary in primary. 2. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 5.
pdf eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1801994390
EAN 9781801994392
Veröffentlicht Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK eBooks
28,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'This book is CPD, it's a resource bank, it's refreshing and it's fantastic.' - Getting It Right in Education
'This exceptional book is packed with innovative ideas to promote a wide vocabulary across the curriculum.' - Parents in Touch
Vocabulary has to be the single most important aspect of a modern curriculum. Explicit and engaging vocabulary teaching has the power to promote independence in learners, ignite imaginations, deliver understanding and raise education standards in schools. This bestseller has been fully reimagined with Andrew Jenning's (the @VocabularyNinja!) five years' of research, teaching and best practice in mind, providing teachers with all-new activities and resources to develop their practice and help pupils reach their potential.
With a focus on English and rich language banks associated with genres and topics, the renewed ideas in this book can be applied to any National Curriculum area and are perfect for modelling and scaffolding writing. This practical guide also features updated theory, teaching approaches and photocopiable activities, as well as vocabulary, etymology and phrases to bring the primary curriculum to life.
If you're searching for an exciting and captivating approach to bring vocabulary into the primary classroom and see a significant impact on pupil confidence, oracy and academic outcomes, look no further than the latest and greatest edition of teacher favourite Vocabulary Ninja.


Andrew Jennings is the author of the bestselling series Vocabulary Ninja, Comprehension Ninja and Like a Ninja series. Andrew is an experienced teacher and school leader and his innovative ninja-themed resources are used in thousands of classrooms in the UK and abroad. Follow Andrew on Twitter @VocabularyNinja and discover more resources at www.vocabularyninja.co.uk.


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