Andrew Joseph White

Compound Fracture

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 368 Seiten
ISBN 1837840768
EAN 9781837840762
Veröffentlicht September 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Daphne Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A gut-wrenching page-turner about rebellion and trans rage following a teen who survives attempted murder and the ghosts who seek vengeance in the Appalachian mountains.
On the night Miles Abernathy-sixteen-year-old socialist and proud West Virginian-comes out as trans to his parents, he sneaks off to a party, carrying evidence that may finally turn the tide of the blood feud plaguing Twist Creek: Photos that prove the county's Sheriff Davies was responsible for the so-called "accident" that injured his dad, killed others, and crushed their grassroots efforts to unseat him.
The feud began a hundred years ago when Miles's great-great-grandfather, Saint Abernathy, incited a miners' rebellion that ended with a public execution at the hands of law enforcement. Now, Miles becomes the feud's latest victim as the sheriff's son and his friends sniff out the evidence, follow him through the woods, and beat him nearly to death.
In the hospital, the ghost of a soot-covered man hovers over Miles's bedside while Sheriff Davies threatens Miles into silence. But when Miles accidently kills one of the boys who hurt him, he learns of other folks in Twist Creek who want out from under the sheriff's heel. To free their families from this cycle of cruelty, they're willing to put everything on the line-is Miles?


Andrew Joseph White is a trans, autistic author from Virginia, where he grew up falling in love with monsters and wishing he could be one too. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from George Mason University in 2022, and is the author of several bestselling novels about queer and disabled rage. Andrew tweets @AJWhiteAuthor.

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