Andy Wistreich

How to Practise Kalacakra in the 21st Century

VOLUME TWO: The Kalacakra Mind Ma¿¿ala Sadhana. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1326883003
EAN 9781326883003
Veröffentlicht November 2024
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This book explores the Kalacakra Mind Mä-ala sadhana in detail and depth. It follows the first volume on the Kalacakra Six Session Guruyoga. Written by an experienced practitioner, it is suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. It sets the practice in the context of the 21st century metacrisis and presents it as an antidote to the hard-hearted materialist culture that besets the world in these times.
Based on over forty years of experience in the practice, and having absorbed teachings from several great Kalacakra masters, and written commentaries, Andy Wistreich here presents the results of a life of Kalacakra study and practice in an accessible contemporary style. The book is especially helpful in demonstrating effective methods for meditating on tantric mahamudra rooted in Tsong Khapa's view of emptiness. The book will be a useful handbook for Kalacakra practitioners seriously intent on becoming enlightened in order to help the world to meet the challenges of these dangerous days of the mid-21st century.
Andy Wistreich is an experienced Buddhist teacher and retreat leader, who has been practising and studying Kalacakra since 1982, and has taught and led numerous Kalacakra retreats around the world. As a Buddhist climate activist, he seeks opportunities to bring together the Tibetan Buddhist tradition with movements addressing the global metacrisis. He lives with his wife in southwest England.


Related works:
Taking the Kalachakra Initiation by Alexander Berzin
Transcending Time by Gen Lamrimpa
Ornament of Stainless Light by Khedrup Norsang Gyatso
The Inner Kalacakratantra by Vesna A. Wallace

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