Angela Grace

Full Moon Ritual Mastery: Lunar Manifesting Secrets & Spirit Clearing Rituals They Don't Want You To Know About

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201953034
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Angela Grace
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Are you fascinated by the moon & its potential power but don't know how to harness its secrets?
2 groundbreaking titles inside:
New Moon Astrology
Spiritual Cleansing
Want to easily understand the different moon phases & the way each of them affects your life?
Have you ever been so happy, but someone (or something) completely stomped your good mood into the mud? That person or situation likely attached its negative energy to your Aura.
You see, using the moon phases to your advantage & cleansing yourself & home of negative attachments doesn't have to be difficult, even if you feel like you've tried everything already.
In fact, it's easier than you think.
In a 1982 study, it was reported that more traffic accidents happened on a full moon than on any other night. If the moon is powerful enough to affect traffic, think about how it can affect your life.
The moment you discover the way the moon works with the rest of the cosmos, you will be able to use its mystical secrets for amazing results.
Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:Your morning coffee on steroids: how to literally drink lunar energy for breakfastA treasure trove of easy, step-by-step exercises you can do at home for a supercharged vibration & powerful cleansingThis quick number secret to seeing your soul's characteristics & what they say about youThe powerful breathing & mudra combo to supercharge your waxing moon manifestationsThe unheard-of item that you must place in your room for explosive manifestingHow to see (with your own eyes) the energetic movements in your home with just two kitchen itemsThe one-minute secret to finding out how old you really areHow to declutter negative spirits with just your handsHow to physically see the energetic movements in your home with just two kitchen itemsThe secrets to turbo-charging your intuition & getting to say "I told you so" to friends & familyThe pizza-cutter trick for rapidly mastering the lunar phasesThe spiritual insider's homemade potion to safeguard from malicious entitiesThe silly way to drop your emotional baggage under the full moonA done-for-you 30-minute daily lunar mastery ritual to skyrocket your existenceA Made for you 7 Day Negative Energy Cleanse ritual to enchant your home with angelic power
A treasure-trove of *bonuses*, including a companion video course with over 4.5 hours of empowering content, energy-tapping videos, powerful guided meditations, journals, & so much more.
Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you can effortlessly conjure the moon's power to reshape your reality & can cleanse your aura & home of harmful negative entities.
This powerful guide is designed to work for you, even if you have failed time & time again, to work with the phases of the moon or spiritually cleanse.
So, if you have a burning desire to manifest your desired reality with the moon & spiritual cleansing secrets inside, then turn the first page.

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