Angela Grace

Spiritual Growth for Women: Self-Care Guidance, Beating Depression & Secret Habits for Spiritual Blocks & Boundaries (Divine Feminine Energy Awakening, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393776825
EAN 9781393776826
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Angela Grace
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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If you've always wanted to cry with pure bliss but often feel like crying because your heart is shattering then keep reading…
Are you sick and tired of destructive thought patterns ruining your life? Have you tried all the mindfulness books & meditations but nothing seems to work for long?
Do you finally want to say goodbye to never feeling whole in your life & discover what actually works for you?
If so, then it's not by chance that you stumbled upon these words.
You see, growing spiritually at rapid speeds doesn't have to be difficult, even if you've already consumed every other mindfulness book & Youtube guru's videos.
In fact, it's easier than you think.
A study conducted by Columbia & Yale neuroscientists (published in Cerebral Cortex) reveals how spiritual experiences felt by a group of subjects were generated into tangible evidence. They scanned the subjects' brains while the spiritual phenomena was happening. The results showed that there was a "space in the brain" for spirituality! When you connect to a higher source than the self (god, universal energy, nature) a certain part of the brain is VISUALLY activated.
Know what this means? That your past doubt has been overruled; your spiritual experiences are REAL! -It's time to boost your spiritual connection into the stratosphere.
Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover:How the element you were taught was a weakness is actually a reservoir of unlimited strengthRapidly effective tools to awaken your divine feminine energy & FINALLY stop caring what others' thinkThe overlooked childhood programming that has been manifesting into your downward spiral of depressionThese secret self-awareness boosters to slap your consciousness into extreme presenceThe REAL reason you may be in agony with chronic fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, muscle tension, or diseasesThe easy to do, at home tactic for crushing insecurities that no one is talking aboutHow those closest to you may be enslaving your potential, & amazing secrets to buzzsaw the chains offThe easy chakra technique to vacuum up decades of stagnant energyThe green plant everyone ignores that will cleanse your aura like diving into a rose bathThese powerful methods to avoid the deathtrap of serving everyone else & ignoring yourselfHow copying a hummingbird can easily align you with universal powerCord-cutting secrets to dissolve the links to negative people like mentos in soda!Unbeatable guided meditations to massively accelerate your spiritual growthA 30-min done for you, secret formula daily (& nighttime) ritual to supercharge your spirituality into the heavens
A treasure-trove of *bonuses*, including a companion video course with over 4.5 hours of empowering content, energy-tapping videos, powerful guided meditations, journals, & so much more.
& much more…
Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you're able to take that brave step and say "That's enough!" to anything or anyone preventing you from reaching your fullest potential. Imagine your friends' & families' faces when you're finally able to lift the veil from your eyes & see what you never could before.
So if you have a burning desire for an amazing feeling of perfection & oneness, & to never let anything or anyone deprive you of happiness then turn the first page.

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