Aniko Carmean

Spillways: Three Surreal Short Stories

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 098496892X
EAN 9780984968923
Veröffentlicht Juni 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Aniko Carmean
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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SPILLWAYS explores the surreal, often chilling, consequences of idée fixe. The horror is not relegated to isolated locales; unsettling revelations occur at a fish counter, a seaside cemetery, and an aquarium. In MOON SICK, the moon is falling, and while some pray for the celestial coitus of Luna's impact with Earth, all Fisk wants is Charlotte. FLOOR SEVEN is the story of a woman's discovery she is the object of a "betrayal methodology" intended to inspire an artist – and feed an unnatural hunger. In MAUSOLEUM WHISPERS, Rollins has been dead three months, but dead isn't the same as gone.
Obsession has tides, too.


Aniko Carmean is a Virginia girl living in Austin, Texas. She writes stories and novels in a variety of genres including horror, science fiction, and literary-artsy. Aniko is the sole proprietor of Odd Sky Books, a publication imprint dedicated to serving discerning readers of surreal fiction. Aniko's major literary influences are Italo Calvino, Shirley Jackson, Amelie Nothomb, Iris Murdoch, and Sylvia Plath. After graduating with a degree in Physics from a small liberal arts school, Aniko married her college sweetheart, and took a day job in software to support her writing habit.
Aniko's favorite shoes are Doc Martens.
Her favorite way to think is while is walking, favorite number is twenty-two, favorite month is October, and her favorite pastime is lingering over a hearty meal and talking with friends.
Aniko has lived in more than one haunted house, which goes a long way towards explaining her fascination with the surreal.

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