Ann-Marie McNicholas

The Dyslexia, ADHD, and DCD-Friendly Study Skills Guide

Tips and Strategies for Exam Success. Empfohlen ab 10 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1787751783
EAN 9781787751781
Veröffentlicht Januar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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This practical skills guide helps young people with who learn differently including those with dyslexia, DCD/dyspraxia and ADHD, study for their exams.
Students who learn differently can often find exams challenging and can experience a good deal of anxiety around exam time, leading to exam results that may not accurately reflect their capabilities. Much exam stress arises from a lack of confidence with the ability to learn and retain information in a meaningful way. This engaging workbook is designed to help students to overcome these issues. It not only shows students how to develop a positive success attitude towards study and exams, but also aims to equip them with powerful strategies and techniques for learning and remembering.
The book offers strategies for learners whose methods of learning are multisensory. When learning is active rather than passive, it happens faster, and is easier, more enjoyable and more effective. As you progress through the fun, engaging activities, so your confidence and belief in your ability to learn will increase. Struggling students will become confident, successful learners, with a positive attitude and access to a wide range of effective strategies, and in this way, you will achieve the results in exams that you have worked for and deserve.

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