Ann McMan

Beowulf for Cretins

A Love Story. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1612941184
EAN 9781612941189
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Bywater Books

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Beowulf for Cretins: A Love Story was awarded the 2019 Lambda Literary Award in the Lesbian Romance category.
English professor and aspiring novelist, Grace Warner spends her days teaching four sections of "Beowulf for Cretins" to bored and disinterested students at one of New England's "hidden ivy" colleges. Not long after she is dumped by her longtime girlfriend, Grace meets the engaging and mysterious Abbie on a cross-country flight. Sparks fly on and off the plane as the two strangers give in to one night of reckless passion with no strings attached, and no contact information exchanged.
Back home at St. Albans, the college rocks Grace's world when it announces the appointment of a new president, the first woman in its 165-year history. Cue Abbie-and cue Grace's collision course with a neurotic dog named Grendel, a fractious rival for tenure, and a woman called Ochre, in what very well might be Grace's last real shot at happiness.
This full-length novel reimagines and expands on the short story, "Falling From Grace," which was originally published in the award-winning story collection, Sidecar by Ann McMan.


ANN McMAN is the award-winning author of seven novels and two short story collections. She has won four Golden Crown Literary Awards and an IPPY. Her novel, Hoosier Daddy, was a Lambda Literary Award Finalist. She lives in Winston-Salem, NC.

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