Anna Crowley Redding

Google It

A History of Google. Empfohlen 12 bis 18 Jahre. Includes black-and-white illustrations and photos throughout. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1250148219
EAN 9781250148216
Veröffentlicht August 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Feiwel & Friends

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Think. Invent. Organize. Share. Don't be evil. And change the world.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin started out as two Stanford college students with a wild idea: They were going to organize the world's information. From that one deceptively simple goal, they created one of the most influential and innovative companies in the world. The word "google" has even entered our vocabulary as a verb. Now, find out the true history of Google-from its humble beginnings as a thesis project made out of "borrowed" hardware and discount toys through its revolution of the world's relationship with technology to a brief glimpse of where they might take us next.
In Google It, award-winning investigative reporter Anna Crowley Redding shares an inspiring story of innovation, personal and intellectual bravery, and most importantly, of shooting for the moon in order to change the world.


Anna Crowley Redding

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