Anna Durand

Treachery in the Highlands (A Hot Scots Prequel)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1964417600
EAN 9781964417608
Veröffentlicht 24. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Jacobsville Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A petty thief on the run in the modern world. A medieval Scots lass who craves adventure. Two worlds will collide...
Forced to flee America, petty criminal Joey Finnegan finds more trouble than he bargained for in the land of whisky and kilts. Then a strange force hurls him backward in time, dropping him into a castle moat.
But a lovely lass fishes him out.
Rachel MacTaggart comes from an odd family. And everyone, from her parents to her great-aunts, wants to know who the goateed stranger in a leather coat is. How he got here. Why he came. What he wants.
Joey can't tell them, because he has no answers. But that's not his only problem. A thief in their midst? These people would probably run him through with a sword if he confessed to that fact.
Yet someone flung him into this medieval world. He needs to know who it was, why they did it, and most of all...
How he can get home.
Treachery in the Highlands is the second time travel prequel inspired by the bestselling Hot Scots series.


Anna Durand is an award-winning author of sizzling romances, including the bestseller Scandalous in a Kilt, a bronze medal winner in the 2018 Readers' Favorite Book Awards, as well as the three-time #1 bestseller Wicked in a Kilt and the #1 bestseller Fired Up. Anna loves writing about spunky heroines and hunky heroes, in settings as diverse as modern Chicago and the fairy realm.
Making use of her master's in library science, she owns a cataloging services company that caters to indie authors and publishers. In her free time, you'll find her binge-listening to audiobooks, playing with puppies, or crafting jewelry.

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