Anne Bronte and Robert Louis Stevenson

Agnes Grey and Treasure Island

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 935486323X
EAN 9789354863233
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Fusion Books
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Anne Bronte, was born on 17th Jan, 1820 at Thornton, Yorkshire, England, and died on 28th May, 1849 at Scarborough, Yorkshire. She was an English poet and novelist. Her sisters Charlotte and Emily Bronte both were poets & novelist. Anne Bronte-s pen name was Acton Bell. She was the youngest member of the Bronte literary family. She wrote two novels--Agnes Grey- and -The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-. Anne along with her sisters wrote poems and published as -Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell-. Anne attended one boarding school just for a year. At home, Anne-s studies included music and drawing. Although her aunt tried to make Anne and her sister to be perfect in household, but they all were interested in literature only. Anne-s father was having a good collection of books of various renowned authors and subjects related books as well. Anne used to read mostly, Bible, Homer, Shakespeare, Milton and others. She took interest in history, geography and biographical books. This way, her imagination and creativity blend grew high. Even she developed one imaginary world. Her literary talent grew up. Anne had worked as governess for almost 6 years. Her second novel, -The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-, was considered as one of the first feminist novels. Anne was deeply affected by the death of her sister Emily Bronte at the age of just 29. It lead to her deteriorating physical health. Anne was a brave lady. She wasn-t scared of death, as she too felt ill. She requested God, to allow her a little more in this world just to do some good before leaving this world. Whatever she wrote in poems and novels became classics in the literary world.
Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson, the author is best known for -Treasure Island-, -Kidnapped-, and -Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde-.He is most widely read author in the world.He wrote everything plays, poems, essays on literary criticism and theory, travelogues, romances, adventure stories, fantasies, fables and short stories and he wrote in a manner which pulled the reader right into the world he strove hard to create.Very adventurous story, well created. Readers will surely enjoy the story. And though the critics might take a longer time to appreciate the literary genius of Stevenson-s works, for the common reader he remains a man with a hundred fascinating stories to tell-a man whose words bring magic and wonder, and happiness to one who reads.

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