Anne Fuchs

Precarious Times

Temporality and History in Modern German Culture. 9 b&w halftones, 1 color halftone. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 342 Seiten
ISBN 1501734822
EAN 9781501734823
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Cornell University Press and Cornell University Library
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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In Precarious Times, Anne Fuchs explores how works of German literature, film, and photography reflect on the profound temporal anxieties precipitated by contemporary experiences of atomization, displacement, and fragmentation that bring about a loss of history and of time itself and that is peculiar to our current moment.
The digital age places premiums on just-in-time deliveries, continual innovation, instantaneous connectivity, and around-the-clock availability. While some celebrate this 24/7 culture, others see it as profoundly destructive to the natural rhythm of day and night-and to human happiness. Have we entered an era of a perpetual present that depletes the future and erodes our grasp of the past?
Beginning its examination around 1900, when rapid modernization was accompanied by comparably intense reflection on changing temporal experience, Precarious Times provides historical depth and perspective to current debates on the "digital now." Expanding the modern discourse on time and speed, Fuchs deploys such concepts as attention, slowness and lateness to emphasize the uneven quality of time around the world.


Anne Fuchs is Professor and Director of the University College Dublin Humanities Institute. She is author of After the Dresden Bombing, Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse, and Die Schmerzensspuren der Geschichte. Follow her on X, @AnneFuchsUCD.

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