Anne Perry

A Sunless Sea

A William Monk Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 384 Seiten
ISBN 0345535936
EAN 9780345535931
Veröffentlicht August 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Ballantine Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
15,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Anne Perry's spellbinding Victorian mysteries, especially those featuring William Monk, have enthralled readers for a generation. The Plain Dealer calls Monk "a marvelously dark, brooding creation"-and, true to form, this masterpiece is as deceptively deep and twisty as the Thames.
As commander of the River Police, Monk is accustomed to violent death, but the mutilated female body found on Limehouse Pier one chilly December morning moves him with horror and pity. The victim's name is Zenia Gadney. Her waterfront neighbors can tell him little-only that the same unknown gentleman had visited her once a month for many years. She must be a prostitute, but-described as quiet and kempt-she doesn't appear to be a fallen woman.
What sinister secrets could have made poor Zenia worth killing? And why does the government keep interfering in Monk's investigation?
While the public cries out for blood, Monk, his spirited wife, Hester, and their brilliant barrister friend, Oliver Rathbone, search for answers. From dank waterfront alleys to London's fabulously wealthy West End, the three trail an ice-blooded murderer toward the unbelievable, possibly unprovable truth-and ultimately engage their adversaries in an electric courtroom duel. But unless they can work a miracle, a monumental evil will go unpunished and an innocent person will hang.
Anne Perry has never worn her literary colors with greater distinction than in A Sunless Sea, a heart-pounding novel of intrigue and suspense in which Monk is driven to make the hardest decision of his life.
Includes an excerpt from Anne Perry's next William Monk novel, Blind Justice
Praise for A Sunless Sea
"Anne Perry's Victorian mysteries are marvels."-The New York Times Book Review
"Unexpected twists and revelations keep the plot humming with typical Anne Perry deception and wit."-Bookreporter
"Much more than a whodunit, this book [is] possibly the author's best yet."-Publishers Weekly (starred review)


Anne Perry was the bestselling author of two acclaimed series set in Victorian England: the William Monk novels and the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt novels. She was also the author of a series featuring Charlotte and Thomas Pitt's son, Daniel, as well as the Elena Standish series; a series of five World War I novels; twenty-one holiday novels; and a historical novel, The Sheen on the Silk, set in the Byzantine Empire. Anne Perry died in 2023.

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