Annie Murphy Paul

Extended Mind

The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0544947584
EAN 9780544947580
Veröffentlicht Juni 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Mariner Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A New York Times Editors Choice A bold new book reveals how we can tap the intelligence that exists beyond our brainsin our bodies, our surroundings, and our relationshipsUseyourhead. That's what we tell ourselves when facing a tricky problem or a difficult project. But a growing body of research indicates that we've got it exactly backwards. What we need to do, says acclaimed science writer Annie Murphy Paul, is thinkoutsidethe brain. A host of ';extra-neural' resourcesthe feelings and movements of our bodies, the physical spaces in which we learn and work, and the minds of those around us can help us focus more intently, comprehend more deeply, and create more imaginatively. The Extended Mind outlines the research behind this exciting new vision of human ability, exploring the findings of neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, and examining the practices of educators, managers, and leaders who are already reaping the benefits of thinking outside the brain. She excavates the untold history of how artists, scientists, and authorsfrom Jackson Pollock to Jonas Salk to Robert Carohave used mental extensions to solve problems, make discoveries, and create new works. In the tradition of Howard Gardner's Frames of Mind or Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence,The Extended Mindoffers a dramatic new view of how our minds work, full of practical advice on how we can all think better.

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