Anthea Peries

Mastering Your Money: A Practical Guide to Budgeting and Saving For Christians Take Control of Your Finances and Achieve Your Financial Goals with 10 Simple Steps (Christian Books)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215759219
Veröffentlicht April 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Anthea Peries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Mastering Your Money: A Practical Guide to Budgeting and Saving For Christians
Take Control of Your Finances and Achieve Your Financial Goals with 10 Simple Steps
This book provides practical tips and actionable advice for individuals looking to take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals. Following the ten simple steps outlined in this book, readers can create a sustainable budget, cut expenses, save money, invest for the future, and ultimately achieve financial freedom. This book is ideal for students, seniors, working professionals, a parent, or someone simply looking to gain financial independence. Makes a great gift too.
Overall, this book provides the following:
Comprehensive coverage of personal finance topics: This book covers a wide range of personal finance topics, from budgeting to investing to retirement planning. It offers practical advice and tips to help readers improve their financial situation.
Accessible language: The book is written in clear, easy-to-understand language that doesn't require prior knowledge of financial jargon or concepts.
Personal stories and examples: The book includes a few real-life stories and examples that illustrate key points and make the content more relatable to readers.
Actionable advice: The book doesn't just provide information - it also offers actionable advice and steps that readers can take to improve their finances.
Faith-based perspective: The book offers a faith-based perspective on personal finance, which may appeal to readers looking for guidance that aligns with their religious beliefs.


Anthea Peries BSc (Hons) is a published author, she completed her undergraduate studies in several branches of the sciences including Biology, Neurology, Brain and Behaviour and Child Development. A former graduate member of the British Psychological Society, she has experience in counselling and is a former senior management executive. Born in London, Anthea enjoys fine cuisine, writing, and has travelled the world.

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