Anthony W. Robins

New York Art Deco

A Guide to Gotham's Jazz Age Architecture. Total Illustrations: 329. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1438463987
EAN 9781438463988
Veröffentlicht April 2017
Verlag/Hersteller State University of New York Press

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Winner of a 2017-2018 New York City Book Award presented by the New York Society Library
Of all the world's great cities, perhaps none is so defined by its Art Deco architecture as New York. Lively and informative, New York Art Deco leads readers step-by-step past the monuments of the 1920s and '30s that recast New York as the world's modern metropolis. Anthony W. Robins, New York's best-known Art Deco guide, includes an introductory essay describing the Art Deco phenomenon, followed by eleven walking tour itineraries in Manhattan-each accompanied by a map designed by legendary New York cartographer John Tauranac-and a survey of Deco sites across the four other boroughs. Also included is a photo gallery of sixteen color plates by nationally acclaimed Art Deco photographer Randy Juster. In New York Art Deco, Robins has distilled thirty years' worth of experience into a guidebook for all to enjoy at their own pace.


A native New Yorker and twenty-year veteran of the New York City Landmarks Commission, Anthony W. Robins is the author of books on Grand Central Terminal, the World Trade Center, and the art and architecture of the New York subway system. A popular leader of walking tours all over New York City, he is best known for Art Deco, and organized the city's first regularly scheduled series of Art Deco tours, sponsored by the Art Deco Society of New York. He is the recipient of the 2017 Guiding Spirit Award from the Guides Association of New York City.

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