Antonio Carlos Pinto

The Elia Chronicles ¿¿¿ Gareth

'The Elia Chronicles ¿¿¿ Gareth'. Paperback. Sprache: Griechisch.
kartoniert , 288 Seiten
EAN 9798227993397
Veröffentlicht August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Antonio Carlos Pinto
33,80 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 5-7 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

-- --- ------- ----, ----- --- --- ------- --- ---- -- ----------- Nightglen School of Magic. ---- ------- --- ------, ---- --------- -- ---------- -------- --- --------- ---- -----. - ---- --- --------- --- --- ------- --- --- ---------- -- ------ ------.
------, ---- --- -- --- --------- -- --------- --------- --- Daarzaks. - Darius Shadowthorn ---- --- ------- ---- ----- --- --------- ---------, --- ----------- ------ ------- --- --------.
- ------- --- ----- --- ---- ------ --- -------- -- ---- --- ------ --- --- -----. ----, -------------- --- ---------- --- ----------- -- ------ ------- --- Shadowthorn, --------- ------- --- -------- -- ---- --------- ---- ----- --- -----.


Hello! My name is Antonio Carlos Pinto, and I was born in Maranguape, Ceará, Brazil. I am a Brazilian novelist, writing fantasy fiction romances featuring vampires, witches, and werewolves, always with a touch of magic. In my spare time, I study physics, cosmology, astronomy, and medieval history. My debut book is "The Elia Chronicles by Gareth". My writing celebrates the strength of the human spirit amidst challenges.