On Conditionals in the Greek Pentateuch - Anwar Tjen

Anwar Tjen

On Conditionals in the Greek Pentateuch

A Study of Translation Syntax. 1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 3.
pdf eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0567074838
EAN 9780567074836
Veröffentlicht Juli 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury T&T Clark
46,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The book examines conditionals in the Greek Pentateuch from the point of view of the study of translation syntax. It takes seriously into account the double character of Septuagintal Greek, both as a translation from Hebrew and as vernacular Greek. Methodologically, the underlying Hebrew is taken as the point of departure in close comparison with the resultant translation, with the purpose of examining major features in the translators? handling of this complex construction. These include the rendering of verbal and non-verbal forms in the protasis and apodosis, the question of sense-division between the two constituent clauses, the influence of genre or discourse type and interference from the underlying form or structure.
Detailed analyses of the resultant translation displays features that are natural Greek, on the one hand, and features that betray the character of "translation-language", on the other hand, owing to interference from the source text. The latter manifests itself most conspicuously in renderings that are ungrammatical or unnatural, and, in a more subtle way, through equivalents which are grammatically acceptable but occur with a strikingly high frequency in the Septuagint as compared with original Greek compositions contemporary with the Septuagint.


Dr. Anwar Tjen is an ordained Lutheran minister of Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia (GKPI) and is Translation Consultant of the Indonesia Bible Society, currently in charge of the following major revisions: Indonesian Standard Version, Toba Batak Bible and Javanese Old Testament.


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