Apolo Ohno

Hard Pivot

Embrace Change. Find Purpose. Show Up Fully. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 160 Seiten
ISBN 1683649338
EAN 9781683649335
Veröffentlicht Februar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Sounds True

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Apolo Ohno shares his most valuable lessons for overcoming challenges with resilience, creativity, and purpose.
In speed skating, a hard pivot is an aggressive shift of direction that requires courage, practice, and split-second timing. For Apolo Ohno, the most frightening hard pivot of his life didn't happen on the ice-but rather, when he had to hang up his skates for good. "After my final Olympics, I felt confused, vulnerable, and adrift without purpose," he says. "Yet that's when I realized my experiences had given me something much more valuable than medals and memories. I had tools I could use to shift my life in a new direction-and most importantly, these were tools anyone could benefit from."
With Hard Pivot, Apolo combines practical guidance, personal stories, and deep insights from the psychology of success into a resource to help you through challenging times. Here he shares his most valuable lessons and tools, condensed into the Five Golden Principles:
. Gratitude: A daily practice to help you maintain perspective, cultivate empathy, and alleviate stress
. Giving: How to elevate your life's purpose by offering your time, attention, and resources to others
. Grit: Exercises to build mental stamina, resilience, and toughness to persevere through hard times
. Gearing Up: Ways to prepare yourself to meet the unknown with flexibility and grace
. Go: Develop the courage to take risks, learn from success and failure, and come back stronger
When life drastically changes-whether by choice or circumstance-the hardest part is often letting go of what was familiar and stable. Yet in Hard Pivot, Apolo provides the tools and inspiration to create a new life filled with greater purpose, wisdom, and joy. "You can trust yourself," he writes. "You can lean into the curve, pick up momentum, and speed down the track to success. In that pivotal moment, you might even find that you're having the most fun you've ever had. You're in flow. You're enjoying your precious life. And you're winning."


Apolo Ohno

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